My two years old son likes to eat sweet things more than salty.... I am worried.. Would it be harmful for him in future???

Hi Rasleen, It might become a matter of concern if his affinity for sweet lingers. My 2 year old daughter asks for sugar, eats it and sings 'Johny Johny', finishes the sugar in her mouth and again demands sugar. The process repeats. So, I need to stop somewhere, or she might damage all her teeth to say the least. Affinity to sweet might lead to geater health problems like obesity and diabetes in future. So, you have to be a little strict with your baby about this. Say 'no' firmly. Tell him the harmful effects of sweet even if he understands only a bit. Keep all things sweet out of his reach. Reward him with a toffee or a piece of chocolate occasionally for a job well done. Take care of his nutrition. Hope that helps.
Read moreHello Rasleen, I do not think it is much to worry about. We have all grown up liking somethings over the other, like you may be a salt person and your brother may be having a sweet tooth, but do people then keep gorging on the particular things all the time! Keep him away from candies. I think especially candies get stuck in the teeth and cause cavity. And whenever he has chocolate or any sweet before bedtime, make sure to have him brush his teeth. Being a mother I am sure you will not let him overeat sweets, otherwise it is fine. As he will grow up, he himself would understand how much sweets to have.
Read morenone of these are healthy in the long run - whether it is a like for too much sweet or too much salt. i think don't stress too much if he likes sweet things more than salty ones, as it is also a matter of personal taste. having a sweet tooth can definitely be a cause for concern in the long run, but you can try and introduce healthy sources of 'sweet' to him. use more of honey, jaggery and dates and try to prepare the 'sweet' things at home instead of store-bought ones.
Read moreHi Well! What can you do if he has a sweet tooth! :) I am sure you are not overdoing in meeting his likes else kids metabolism rate is so high that their sugar quickly breaks into energy. Do you need not worry. And as he grows older he would know where to stop. All people know where to draw a line and take care of one's health so he too would do that...relax and enjoy his childhood.
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