Prenatal depression?
Any tips for dealing with prenatal depression? I’m 34 weeks pregnant and live alone with my husband. During the pandemic, sometimes it feels really stressful to handle work, housework, husband and other things going on. I’m just really afraid that once bby is out, I would not be able to handle everything and will breakdown and have postpartum depression. It has been okay for the past few months in my pregnancy but during these last few weeks, I have been feeling tearful, nervous and anxious and having arguments with husband (on top of the back aches and swollen feet of course) Any tips to feel better? 💕

Did you sit down and talk to your husband about how you have been feeling? If no, I suggest you to do it. Firstly, your husband won’t know what you are thinking and all the assumptions will start kicking in this leading to arguments. Secondly talk it out and you will feel better and just by conversation, you will realise there are a lot of matters can be resolved just by talking to your partner. Ultimately a second brain is always clearer of the whole situation and alas he might even offer his help on certain things the next moment without you asking. Remember never ever keep unhappiness inside yourself especially when you are pregnant. Husband, no matter how much they love their wife, will never understand how a pregnant woman feels and experience. The more you let it pile up inside the more arguments there will be the more unhappiness you and your husband will feel and this will lead to your depression and also unhappy marriage. Always communicate - the key word other than trust in marriage. Postpartum depression is super scary, which I nearly fell for it. After giving birth, hormones changes again, this moment you can be happy but the next moment something minor happen you will feel damn sad and somehow you will find yourself in tears. My husband finds it weird too and when he talked to his mum then he realise it’s common and dangerous too. That’s when he started to try to probe me to say out my feelings and once I say it out, I realise oh it’s just a small matter. It’s always at that point of time, he encourages me that everything will going to be fine. Having a supportive husband is very important. So try to find a time and talk it out with your husband. 😊
Read moreI would suggest having a conversation with your husband. Tell him how you're feeling and ask for his help. Maybe he'll offer to help with household chores. As for work, since you're already 34 weeks I think can start to plan and take leave already. Utilise some of your annual leave if your planned maternity leave not yet started. Maybe take a day or two every week. It helps to get recharged. Maybe talk with your manager and hope they understand. Don't over think too much. I used to worry a lot but its not good for baby also. Try to relax and believe everything will be OK. When not possible to do alone remember you're not actually alone. You have husband. Ask for his help. After birth try to get help from family if possible. When you feel everything is too much, pause and take a break. Listen to some music you love. Also you don't need to do housework everyday. I used to be irritated with the house being in a mess but now i try to ignore little things. Sweep every few days and mop once every week is OK one. The house won't turn into a dumpster. If you're tired don't cook, but get husband do takeaway from hawker if possible.
Read morebeing and feeling alone are 2 entirely separate things. your spouse is your partner and will definitely appreciate the conversation with you. the post partner journey is a tough trek by yourself. your hormones will be out of whack and require some time to heal from the stressor of labour. do ask for help. u will be surprised to find that help can come in many forms and avenues :) and always share your emotions with your hubs. cheering you on! :)
Read morehi sorry for feeling this way. how about take leave from work? at least one burden down.. and get part time helper since this period ure heavily pregnant ? find time to recoouperate your mental health. :) hope u get well soon and have a healthy baby
pls talk to your husband… tell him what’s on your mind, tell him why you feel fearful, nervous and anxious. it’s common for first time mum to feel all these! stay strong and positive sister!
Take some time off to relax and listen to some soothing music with baby. I love watching newborn videos as they make me look forward to meeting my baby too.