Thanks for organizing the "ask an expert" session Roshni, I find it very helpful even as a pediatric doctor myself! I wonder if you would extend it other areas of parenting concerns (like dealing with behavioral issues of different age groups), perhaps in a similar set up or a forum of various expertise?

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Most welcome @sein-Tze Chew. Thanks for tuning in today. Totally get you about the breastfeeding thing. I am latching my little one while typing this. We plan to host ask the expert sessions every week, and the next session is on growth spurts, next Monday at 1 pm with Dr Frans Plooij, author of the wonder weeks book. Do tune in for that too! We have not built messaging features yet, but it's on the roadmap. If you need to reach me, drop me a mail at [email protected].

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Sorry lots of typo as I'm typing with one hand whilst breastfeeding my newborn! LoL

Btw is there a PM function on this platform ??