Is it ever okay for a teacher to scold students?
Is it ever okay for a teacher to scold students?
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Yes, they need to show who's the boss!
Only when it's absolutely necessary.
Never! Teachers should always be in control!

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Scolding kids would generally have the opposite effect of what you want to achieve. If the problem is severe or repeated many times then the parents need to be involved instead.

When i was schooling, the teachers used to put their weights around. And studentd get scolded and punished for nothing, simply the teacher is not in a good mood 😡

Yes when the student need a wake up call. It’s not good for the teachers to coddle them too and honestly it’s tiring scolding students.

Yes, within limits. Scolding doesn’t have to be “harsh”. It’s a way to order which kids I feel really need nowadays.

VIP Member

Scold when necessary for genuine fault but never never physically discipline my child...that is only reserved for me (mum)


Kids are wired differently today. There is still the carrot and stick approach but the all military approach is gone now

I would say it should be only done when it is really necessary otherwise it dampens the confidence of kids for long term

Depends, sometimes the students need to wake up but if it’s overdone it doesn’t help at all

only when absolutely necessary but i still think they should inform the parents

Kids need to learn whats right and wrong. Scold when necessary.