17weeks pregnant.
Can you take anything for diarrhea when pregnant?
I just had diarrhea this morning. Watery stools and pain at lower side obodomen. I no choice see GP. Prescribe me probiotic pill and med to stop diarrhoea. I also have bodyache. He ask me take panadol. How's your situation?
I'm also 16 weeks. Today is first time diarrhoea with lower abdomen pain. So very scare and worry too. I call my gynea the nurse say they don't have medicine for stomachache.
See ur gynae, but eating more fibrous food like veg and fruits helps for myself
Ok sure.. thanks!
Have lots of water and also do check with your gynae on what can you take
Ok sure.. thanks!
Best to consult your gynaecologist take care!
Take probiotics and see ur doc
Charcoal tablets?
U cn take probiotics
Thanks .