any suggestion to wean off comfort latch habit? LO is abt 7+ month & seems like going back to her 2nd month old sleeping habit. super difficult to soo her to sleep. Once place on bed - scream & cry. Even put her down in cot to change diaper she also cry murder.
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I also use pacifier - u can try it and don't need to worry about nipple confusion (they quite old and good at latching alrdy) or that hard to wean (just reduce the giving). I wait till light sleep to change from nipple to pacifier. As for the put down will scream and cry, my boy also doing that (6+ months). I read that it's a growth spurt/leap stage in the wonder weeks app - where they learn about distance and relationships of distance and positions - so the sign is they scream and cry more when u seem slightly further away - among other things
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