Do expecting mommies only eat fully cooked eggs?

Or do you still enjoy your usual sunny side ups or scramble eggs? Thank you!

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Hi mama, I personally continued to eat eggs in any style because salmonella in Singapore is very rare/ obsolete so I was comfortable with my choice. I couldn’t give up Yakun eggs! I understand it gives some mama a peace of mind to avoid any possible risks, so it really is a personal decision!

4y ago

thank you! i took extra precaution by washing the raw egg abit longer 😂

i think its personal choice.. i eat fully cooked cos idk if the preparation of the eggs are ok. but if u are preparing urself, then u will know best if eggs are good :)

Super Mum

Hi Jolene, I did! I think the only concern about eggs is salmonella. Perhaps try pasteurized eggs or refrigerated eggs. That lessens the chances of salmonella.

4y ago

Haha. just the beginning ..

I continue to eat half boiled eggs during pregnancy.. even sashimi but of course in moderation. and yes, personal choice.

4y ago

no prob. have a safe and happy pregnancy journey!

I've only been eating fully cooked eggs (just to be on a safe side)

Scrambled eggs once in awhile but sunny side up fully cooked 🥲

4y ago

yeah. am trying to cook my eggs longer nowdays/more cooked since i have then more often now

No. Only full cooked egg. Baby come first for me

Fully cooked, unless pasteurised or UV treated

Mostly hard boiled but i do have cheat days

I only took hard boiled eggs as per gynea advice

4y ago
