1y6m constipation

It started around early July. It was bad but she managed to poop after we gave gripe water (dont actually if coincidence or really worked). Then until now, her poops are a mixture of hard small rounded stools + normal stool. Today, it has been 2 days since she pooped and it seems hard for her to pass motion. She's been squirming but nothing comes out. Any advise to share? She's on solids and formula. Her appetite seems okay, eats brocolli/carrot and fruits.

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You can give her prune puree. It is very effective.

2y ago

do i blend the prune fruit? or is it a store bought prune puree? do u have a picture of it..? I've been looking for the prune fruit but cant seem to find

You can try giving her probiotics

2y ago

im already giving everyday. the stools are now small round stools 😪 I'm at a loss now