Infant fall
My son today 3rd time fall from storage bed. GOD only knows how I feel so guilty towards my son. He 9 month plus old today. My husband scold and hit me 3 times for it. He dont let me take care of my son. Why this happened to my son? Im the one who sins alot in this world. Anyone advice pls.#firstbaby

It is a normal,part and parcel of life that our kids would fall and it is something unavoidable as they grow up become a little explorer as they are meant to be. No matter how young or old they are we parents, Esp Mothers❤ will always feel guilty and heartache. Accidents like this always happen when we least expect it . I had my 5 month old daughter who had just fell asleep in her bed and I went to eat dinner but she had woken up, roll over and fell down. That guilt alone made me lose sleep. Thankfully everything was fine for my baby girl. The Warning signs are usually when baby is drowsy and not active at all after a fall,bulging on soft spot of head or fainting or vomit. KKH also has a KKH Urgent Paediatric Advice Line (U-PAL) that has an online chat service to help you clear any doubts. As For your husband hitting you,under no and any circumstances,he does not have the right to hit you. I do hope you two would work out regarding this issue if not , do get help from someone you trust dear mummy. It is not good for him to vent his frustrations on you and he should understand that parenting is tough and help out plus understand more. if He has Hit thrice he won't hesitate to hit you again. Do Take Care And Stay Safe Dear Mummy.
Read moreI felt guilty when I watched my son fell off the bed right before my eyes. He was 9m old then; thinking he wont crawl so fast since I only need to take something quick from my wardrobe. From then on, I never leave him alone on my bed. Its normal to feel guilty. And nobody is perfect. We are all trying our best to be the best mum/dad to our child. Perhaps next time you can put him back to his cot/playpen before heading to do your things. An infant shouldnt be sleeping on a high bed with the adults. As for your husband hitting you, i understand his heart pain for his little one. But it is too much if he hits you. No husband regardless of what issue should hit his wife. In this instance, im sorry but i cant help you because its something personal (i dont know hows your relationship with your husband). I hope you’ll find help regarding this.
Read moreI'm more concerned about your husband hitting you, sounds abusive. Does it happen often? If it does you should seek help for yourself. Baby hurting and falling is an unfortunate but not avoidable part of growing up when they just started getting more mobile but not yet aware of dangers. It can happen no matter how careful you are. And while it may seem serious, these are usually inconsequential and they will recover quickly without any long term damage. So don't beat yourself up over it (and more importantly don't allow other people to beat you!)
Read morePerhaps you can share more about how your son fell? Was it becoz you left him unattended thinking that he will not roll? Or did he roll before you realised it? I know you feel guilty; but since it’s happened for the 3rd time; I think you need to start noting how did it happen? As for your hb hitting you; perhaps he is just over concern and didn’t know how to react at that moment. He may seems abusive but got to really find out the cause of his action and the reason why your son kept falling off.
Read moreHi, I think many parents have had babies fall from a height. We definitely feel guilty, and will take precautions to make sure it doesn’t happen again. As for your husband, hitting you for that is wrong. If he thinks he’s better, he should get a better bed for your baby so that baby never falls from the bed again
Read moreIf a guy dare to hit you, you can just either make a report or went for a divorce cause my own husband hits me once then after that he say sorry to me and he will never do it again then i ask him what if he hit me the 2nd time? he reply if he hit me the 2nd time he will allow me to leave him
maybe it’s time to put a bed guard? and why is your husband hitting you???!! he don’t have the right to do so! i’m sure the baby will have more injury when your hubby takes care of him!
when my child was an infant, he also fell many times. i lost count. so glad no adverse effect each time.
sorry to ask. did you bring him to A&E each time he fall? is he fall from bed?