Any premature moms here?
My son is 7m now but his adjusted age is 5m. I’ll be offering solids to baby in November. Do you begin with TW and slowly transition to BLW? Or straight into BLW? Do you follow 3 days wait rule? How should I start? A single food once a day? Or I can do breakfast lunch and dinner? Do I need to nurse baby and wait 30mins before offering him food?

Yes my baby! He's 8m3d but his corrected age is 7m2d. We started solids at 5m old (his chronological date) as suggested by his PD. I did TW and is still doing it. The only time I BLW is when I give him snacks. I started with puree, once a day at lunch with a single ingredient for 3 days to look out for allergy since he also has mild eczema. And then when he got used to eating, I gradually increase to twice a day, breakfast and dinner till today but I've been mixing ingredients now and then. He's a great eater but the thing is he will refuse milk some time so the thought of increasing to three meals a day is out of the question since his main is still milk until 1 years old. I'll increase to 3 times a meal then.
Read moreHi there! Yes follow 3 days rule. One type of food a day until you establish baby is not allergic. Maybe start with a single meal then work up to 2 then 3 meals? I usually wait a bit between milk and solids as baby may be quite full from milk to be able to accept solids.