Alert ?

Sometime, i visited this aplication, just for having fun. Read every status that has already posted, but honestly it tickles in my tummy. I smiled even if i laughed after reading that status, because it was so funny. The question was not necessary to be answered. It just made you look stupid, right? ? please. Just make the good question as like as you really dont know what the answer is and please be a smart mother, guys. ?Dont show how stupid you are in this room ?‍♀️it is just embarrassing your self??

114 Tanggapan
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Dia siapanya vicky prasety* si?? ko penuh kontroversi hati gini

Kayaknya bunda2 disini byk deh yg udh keliling luar negeri biasa aja keleus. Lah bunda yg cm sebatas lulusan bhs inggris songong amat

6y ago

ah apalah dayaku yg begitu. gpp sih bund sebenernya dia salah pengucapan bahasa inggris. tapi jangan sampai ngatain bodoh dan kepedean dia merasa paling hebat jadi ibu. namanya ibu itu kita kan belajar, berproses dll. gregetannya disitu bund😂😂

Ayo dooong muncul lagi ibu Faizah the Gorjes Waef. Seru niiiihhh.

6y ago

Gedek bun, nih orang minta banget dikatain 😭😭😭 Sampe nyebut diri gorgeous wife. Wadohhh

Sepertinya bunda mau mengkritik tp tkut dibully jd d translate ya.. berharap yg tau hanya sdkit.. tp yaa saya hrgai lah krna bunda ga pake anonim.. dsni bebas mau brpndpat apa aja.. nmanya byk org psti beda tggapan dan pendapat.. Drpd komentar pedes dan nyinyir tp pke anonim.. kn cemenn namanya 😅

6y ago

Your english is good mam, better than my 7 y.o sister.