is it possible for baby to switch from bottle-feeding to nursing directly?

hi mummies, is anyone else in the situation as im in? im getting kind of tired of pumping— feels like such a chore now and washing all the bottles and equipment afterwards just makes me dread pumping even more. nowadays, im starting to forget my pumping schedule and would result in missed sessions. i realised my supply has also dropped and was thinking of just getting LO to try and latch. has anyone switched from bottle to direct latch? please share some of your experiences and some tips and tricks that have helped LO to latch after being bottle-fed? thank you in advance! 🫶🏽

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Oh i hated pumping. HATE i tell u. If u are a stay home mom, direct latching should be manageable but it does get overwhelming (11 months direct latching here). Usually milk flow stabilises to babys need so pumping may not always be the best marker for our bodies to produce the right amounts n ratio of nutrients. So the feeling of dropping supply might just be body to pumping schedule. But i highly recommend direct and do mentally prep the lack Of sleep because some babies do wake up at night for comfort latching. Its just u and baby haha fun and crazy 🤣 How old is ur baby? Do try to latch when baby is awake to see little ones response. The basic rule of latching is usually to fill the mouth full of the areola but its best u get a pro to demonstrate. Check out bmsg i think they have a hotline or counselling! Im not trained but i do see breastfeeding counsellors talk about this!

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1y ago

hi mummy, thank you so much for replying! my LO is currently 6mo. for a short context: i tried to latch in the beginning but struggled due to short and inverted nipple so had to eventually use bottles and LO ended up getting used to it. whenever i tried to latch again, LO would make a face of disgust and cry HAHA so i had to give up trying to nurse directly. bought a pair of nipple shield online and just hoping and praying to the gods that it’ll help me out even just a tiny bit 🥹

I Hate Pumping too. And never had a solid opportunity to do that cuz my LO would suddenly be awake 5mins in my pumping. So i give up, dint too like the hassle of keep washing when we are also chasing for time. On a side note, u can store your pumps unwashed in the chiller and only wash at the end of the day. But i transition from bottles to latch by starting of with night feeding. Now my LO is fully latched and dont even want bottle teats. I only powerpump at night if required to increase the supply bcuz sometimes LO slept longer at night missing a latching session causing my milk to dip.

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1y ago

It will definitely take time for him to get used to it. Prolly u could try to latch when going to sleep and sway abit so that he will get drowsy to sleep and take it? I did that when i really had no choice but to give my LO bottle(after transitioning her to latching for quite a while). My LO struggled and cried to tke the bottle away but end up taking in as i sway her to sleep. So prolly u can do the same but with your nipples. Jiayou. Its gonna be a struggle to latch her back cuz its been too long she was bottle fed. Be patient and keep going! But im already impressed how u managed to give bottle for 6months. I couldnt make it pass the hassle for too long.