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I'm pregnant with my 1st child. I no mean of an expert. Deduced with these symptoms list from the people who are mothers of more than 1 child 1) Lower back ache 2) frequent and long contraction 3) tummy feels / looks soft 4) water bag burst ( unable to control the water) / bleeding 5) Feeling of wanting to push (like constipation)
Read moreI didnt know. Lol. I had very bad backaches in the middle of the night initially. Then I went to the bathroom and saw blood! I took my hp and search for my list of gfs who were online and consulted them. That was my 1st pregnancy. Lol
Both pregnancies, I did not experience labor pains prior going to hospital...1st born was induced and 2nd born had to have c section...he came out 3 weeks early
Water broke right in the middle of the living room and my poor brother had to clean it up haha! Not one of his finest memories!
Both pregnancies: frequent close contractions plus time’s up: 40week. Got to get the baby out! No more overstay! Hahahahaha
I didnt feel anything till i went for my doctor’s check and she told me - you are dilated 4 cm and she broke my water bag
not sure.... my gynae told me to go for induced labour..
After the water bag broke, the contractions kicked in
Was randomly watching tv and waterbag broke. Lol...
no i dunno cos mine was scheduled c sec