Should I wake my baby to breastfeed
Should I wake a sleeping baby to feed him? #breastfeeding #baby #newborn #nursing #milk #breastmilk

For newborns, especially those younger than two weeks old, it may be a good idea to wake them for feedings as they may very likely sleep though feeding sessions. As they grow, they will be able to let you know when they need feeding. In other words, once they regained their birth-weights and starts gaining weight steadily, there is no need to wake babies up for their feedings. It is best to let the baby determine when he/she would like to be fed. For more information on this topic, you can refer to this article: Some of my friends do try to keep their babies awake when their babies wake up in the middle of the night for milk (to ensure that their babies are getting enough milk from the feeding session). Some find rubbing their babies’ backs to keep them engaged during the session. One of them uses a cool, damp cloth to wipe her baby’s face during the nursing session.
Read moreNo!! That is what nurses tell you to do. I used to wake my son every 2 or 3 hours for him to eat. Babies need their sleep. My mother in law told me to let him sleep as much as he wanted and when the baby would wake up that's is when he would be hungry! It worked my baby sleeps up to 5 hours and eats 6 to 8 ounces. His Dr. Said it was totally fine and he's a super healthy baby
Read moreAs Hui Qun mentioned, I would wake my son up when he was a newborn because he had jaundice so it was important for him to stay hydrated so that he could "pee the jaundice out". But after he turned 2 months, I wouldn't wake him up. Babies would wake up if they are hungry so I wasn't concerned about it.
Read moreI don't think so you should wake up your child for meal. If he/she is hungry hen automatically he/she will wake up. unless your child has been slept for too much then you should wake him/her up otherwise don't do that . sleep is also as imp as meal for small kids below 5
Yes mummy , especially if your baby is not more than one month, breastfeeding milk at 2 hours day time and 3 hours at night. So you need yo wake up him even he is a sleepy baby. If baby's weight gain is under standard, recommended you to feed him every 1 .5 -2 hours daytime,3 hours at night.
What if baby is not feeding as much as previously? 5 weeks baby. Concerning?
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Its okay to wake up your baby from sleep considering the baby has atleast slept for a couple of hours. Its necessary as at times the would sleep a lot and skip their meals.
Newborn babies feed about every two hours. I would let baby sleep for three hours at max and then wake him to nurse
Yes. My pedia and nurse told me to wake the baby every 2-3hrs to feed because I’m doing breastfeeding, if formula feeding they says every 4 hours.
Yes. I was advised by my son's pediatrician that newborns should be fed every 2-3hrs. As such, I wake him up and feed him.
Hoping for a child