6mo refuse/ drink very little milk after cough/vomit episodes in a day
My 6mo had cough a few days ago. Brought him to see Dr who prescribed him ventolin. Perhaps the cough + meds made him want to gag easily. In a day (25 Feb), he vomited > 5 times during milk feeds. The vomiting lasted a day and he seemed to have recovered and I stopped giving him the ventolin ever since (28 Feb as of writing). Wonder if it’s because of phobia from drinking milk and vomiting that my baby now seems to be on milk strike? and can drink only 20-30ml each time and will push the bottle away. This is very concerning because before his cough he was able to drink even 160ml. I’m now seeing very light diapers. Furthermore, i just started him on brown rice cereal once a day in the noon and he is able to finish all - so I don’t think it’s loss of appetite? I know milk is still important to him now at his young age and that brown rice cereal shd not replace his milk feeds. Is there anything that i can do to encourage him to take bottle feed? #1stimemom #advicepls #firstbaby #pleasehelp #milk
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Hi mummies/daddies. I have a 6 y/o boy weighing less than 18kg. He is very very active. He seem to not know the meaning of ‘tired’. It’s very difficult to make him sleep at night because too active. He will stay up til 11pm sometimes later. But when i want to wake him up for school in the morning. Oh god, bless my patience with this boy. Putting him sleep at night is difficult, waking him up in the morning is 10x difficult. My boy doesn’t like to eat vege, all types of vege, you name it. He likes to eat candies, chocolates, rice(similar to a teenager/adult portion). He eats well but doesn’t seem to grow. He’s been drinking Dugro since toddler. Average of 2-3 times a day. Before school, after school(sometimes) and before bed. Do you have any best supplements or any suggestions on how to make my boy grow? I’m so worried. Thank you in advance❤️🥺 #pleasehelp #advicepls #Vitamin #kids #health #toddler #milk #growth #metabolism
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Hi mummies/daddies. I have a 6 y/o boy weighing less than 18kg. He is very very active. He seem to not know the meaning of ‘tired’. It’s very difficult to make him sleep at night because too active. He will stay up til 11pm sometimes later. But when i want to wake him up for school in the morning. Oh god, bless my patience with this boy. Putting him sleep at night is difficult, waking him up in the morning is 10x difficult. My boy doesn’t like to eat vege, all types of vege, you name it. He likes to eat candies, chocolates, rice(similar to a teenager/adult portion). He eats well but doesn’t seem to grow. He’s been drinking Dugro since toddler. Average of 2-3 times a day. Before school, after school(sometimes) and before bed. Do you have any best supplements or any suggestions on how to make my boy grow? I’m so worried. Thank you in advance❤️🥺 #pleasehelp #advicepls #Vitamin #kids #health #toddler #milk #growth #metabolism
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I fed my girl breast milk till she was 9 months old when I had to go for an important overseas work trip. So I had no choice but to give her formula milk. But till today she’s still drinking formula milk. My girl typically drinks 2-3 bottle of milk a day on top of her lunch and dinner. I did saw a few articles online saying that we shouldn’t be giving our child formula milk by 12 months of age. Personally I feel that milk gives my girl extra calcium so no harm giving it to her. Furthermore, it does not affect her normal meals and she’s within the acceptable weight for her age. But I will probably start weaning my girl off formula milk and onto diary milk soon. Share with me your thoughts on giving your child formula milk. #1stimemom #firstbaby #milk #formulamilk #breastfeeding
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