Can share with me educational songs for 10 month old baby?

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Hi there is a lot of songs good for baby. You can search on YouTube first and practise the songs :) The songs I commonly sing to my gal are 1) ABC alphabet song 2) ten little Indian songs 3) twinkle twinkle little star 4) head and shoulders knees and toes 5) itsy weesy spider 6) Pat a cake 7) Five little ducks went swimming one day 8) old Macdonald 9) 小蜜蜂 Some of the songs are to teach sequence of abc and 123. Some are for teaching them certain actions for eh Pat a cake is to teach clapping and itsy weesy spider is to teach some finger movement skills. When singing it is best to have big actions so that the baby will be interested and pick it up. I also like to sing facing my baby so she can see my mouth movement Enjoy!

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