Permainan untuk bayi 9 bulan
Hi semua. Permainan apa yang sesuai ye untuk bayi berumur 9 bulan?

Hi 😊 Here’s a list of what I think is suitable for a 9 months old baby ; - Musical toys - Container toys - Soft blocks - Activity cubes - Shape sorter - Flash cards However, every child’s development milestones is different. It is important to ensure the safety of your baby when selecting these toys and while the baby is playing with them. Parents should always be there to monitor and not leave the baby unattended while playing as the baby might be too engrossed with the toys and not be aware of the possible dangers in the surroundings. - Do not give toys which are not meant for kids of the 6 to 9 months age group. - Avoid use of toys which have sharp edges or are heavier than what the child can manage to play with. - The toys should be easy to grasp and not have small pieces which the baby may put in the mouth or swallow. - Toys which could suffocate the baby should also be avoided. Playing with toys is a critical part of any child’s upbringing and a good mix of toys can help in the development of important life skills. Have fun and good luck mama!
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