CAS vs New born screening
Same lang ba sila? Or if nag pa CAS ka, no need na mag pa new born screaning paglabas ni baby
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No dear, they aren’t the same. CAS is when your OB checks your baby’s development if he/she has complications, defects or abnormalities such as kulang yung fingers or may heart defect etc,. You need to undergo CAS para makapag-prep ka sa delivery mo. If may abnormalities si baby, iba ang maghahandle sayo I forgot what they call it pero ililipat ka ng Dr. na naghahandle sa ganun case. While NBS naman is when they check your baby’s weight, size, etc,. to check if he/she is normal.
Magbasa paSuper Mum
Need pa rin po ang new born screening mommy :) Iba po kase ang CAS Read this po:
Magbasa pa