Is it safe to eat instant noodle at first trimester?
Is it safe to eat instant noodle at first trimester?

Oddly, I can't even look at it during my first trimester. 50/50 during my second trimester. Once In awhile for now, during third trimester. When not pregnant, it's my most favourite. Even had it before going to bed. But not anymore. glad baby not very fancy of it😅
I ate quite alot of maggie during the first trimester. As i got to know i was pregnant when i hit my 2nd month. After knowing i got pregnant, i tried to avoid as much as i can. But when really crave for it i just eat it 😂 now i only ate maggie once every 2 months.
I had severe vomiting during 1st & 2nd trimester. I can only eat bread, instant noodles & fried food without vomiting. It's fine. My baby turned out healthy! 👍🏻 eat as long as you're feeding your baby well. Always take your supplements too!
Maybe if it’s your cravings, once a while is ok. instant noodle doesn’t have much nutrients so don’t recommend to eat few days or every week. MSG a lot too. You can vege , tomatoes , fish etc into the soup! :)
I think ok lang naman pero yun nga paminsan minsan lang. Na try ko nag crave ako ng chicken flavired noodles nilagyan ko nlng ng malunggay para mas healthy naman at itlog din.
If your belly doesnt hurt you, why not? I cant :( because I ate it 3 times but I also received bad stomach aches right after it for 3 times too! So booooooooo
in moderation is fine! I had it a couple of times in the first trimester but I don't drink the soup just eat probs half the noodles lol
Once in a very looong while is ok. What I took is the mama noodles at fish soup stall or steamboat rather than packet instant noodles.
there was a week that i was craving maggie so badly i actually ate 2x in a week 😅 but now not craving for it alr haha
Best to avoid. You can read more here: