Would you recommend supplements for growth in children? If so which ones and what brands?

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I am against giving supplements for growth for children thinking about the side effects, these products can cause. I would rather focus on giving the kid variety of balanced diet so that the kid wont be fed up with the same type of food. You shouldn't be worried as far as the child is active and hitting her milestones.

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If the child is eating fine, and putting on weight n meeting milestones, don’t bother about supplements. If the child is extremely fussy about eating and not putting on weight as well, you might want by consult your doctor if supplements are necessary.

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I give my son supplements for general health. anything in liquid form or gummy bears type. just look for something with Vit A C D, iron, and essential minerals

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Try pediasure complete. You can go to their website and request for samples. Let you child try and if she likes it, you can purchase from guardian or ntuc unity.

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Can try Pnkids or get advice from the Pd. Generally if your child is eating well, it's not necessary to get supplements.