31 weeks , 5 days
Recently , I can't sleep properly. I usually sleep on my left but it affect my breathing and it's so uncomfortable and then I turned on my right... It's okay at first and then my hips started to hurt and uncomfortable again. When I tried to turn left , my pelvic area is in so much pain like really pain but I slowly managed to turn to the left. It goes on all night turning left to right and right to left , the uncomfortable part still manageable but the pelvic pain... sometimes I feel like giving up already ☹️

Jia you mama, you've come so far! I had very similar issues in my third trimester and sleeping was the biggest issue I faced for pregnancy. I also found sleeping on my left really painful and I slept more on my right. I completely cannot sleep on my back because I felt like I was suffocating :/ I used a big long bolster to elevate my torso and put between my thighs, as that helped to alleviate some back ache. As for the pelvic pain I try my best to do yoga stretches daily, cause for me it's more painful when I don't stretch and the joints are stiff. I had sciatica and I did have to use tennis ball to roll on the muscles. I also got my husband to massage for me, cause it was during circuit breaker and there was no massage services available at all. Hang in there, it does go away after delivery! Sending you love!
Read moreHugs to you, mummy! Hang in there, alright! I feel you so much! I am almost 20 weeks and I have sleep problem since the 1st trimester. Toss and turn & I also keep having vivid dreams. And then I'll wake up and stare at the ceiling feeling so frustrated that I can't sleep. Elevate your bed & stack your pillows so your head will be higher. I sleep like that most times and it kinda helps than the pregnancy pillow. Best is ask your husband to do a massage on your body or legs. It helps your muscles to relax and hopefully have a good night sleep. Hang in there ok! You'll be full term soon.
Read moreHang in there Mummy! You may want to put a pillow in between your legs everytime you turn. Buy those long hugging pillow if you don’t want to buy the pregnancy pillows. It helps a lot when you turn together with the pillow. Whenever I am awake to turn, I’ll turn with my hugging pillow. At times I still sleep on my back, can’t help it cause turning to my sides hurt my pelvic so much. Sometimes I hold my stomach just to turn. It’s only gonna get worse towards the end of pregnancy. Just got to find your spot.
Read moreI'm 29 weeks and experiencing similar too. I think putting bolster or double pillow in between legs i think it helps abit. I would sometimes rest sitting up first when feeling out of breath, then bck to sleeping on my sides. I will have equal amt of duration for each sides. Hang on ya. We got this! 💪🏻
Read moresame here.. but my leg gives the worst pain.. too long on my left leg starts to hurt..then turn to my right..too long it hurts turn again.. its been going on since the mid of 2nd trimester.. leg pain really cant stand..even use a bolster... doesnt help
you can use pregnancy pillow