high risk for my first trimester screening test tesult
Just receive call from kkh this morning that I am under high risk 1:201 for my blood test result. Due to 1 hormones is more high risk to DS. I am quite worried. So what should I do? Anyone facing same also?

Hi dear, thank you for sharing. I think there are a few things to think about (your gynae will advise further).... 1. Will you keep the baby regardless of whether your baby has DS? This will affect whether you want to do further testing... 2. Some options that may be given to you include the NIPT/Harmony test to look at the DNA directly to have a more accurate assessment of whether baby has DS, as well as amniocentesis. Your gynae will need to discuss the tests and procedures with you, including the risks. I think no one can tell you exactly what to do.. this will be a personal decision. But I also hope that you don’t think and worry too much at the moment before further tests are done, because the FTS is only a screening test and a risk assessment. So please take it one step at a time okay?
Read moremy result was about the same as yours. 1:200 plus although my baby's ultrasound was normal. they recommended Harmony test. If you are subsidised patient, the price will be further reduced from 700 plus to 300 plus for the test. End up test all normal. Make us worried for nothing. 😅
You can go for further screening test like the Harmony test for assurance, but that is still not a confirmative test. But on a positive note, my FTS screening test results was 1:21 for DS, but harmony test showed low risk.
Do the panorama test as it is up to 99% accuracy. it is costly but absolutely worth it.
Hello which clinic called u to inform of the result?