Food can be eaten ?
Can pregnant woman eat medium well or well done beef ?

Ideally its welldone beef, i have consumed medium well too, its all in moderation for me i guess. As well Done beef not done right get too hard on the chewing 🤗. Do what u are most comfortable with ya. Take care!
By right shld be well done, but i dont like well done too hard to chew. So i ate medium well, but not often. I think only twice thru out my pregnancy. Take care mummy
I did take less than well done beef during my pregnancy, probably medium well. It depends on your comfort level and having a well-prepared beef.
Go for well done although it can be dry & tough to chew. Avoid raw and half cooked foods
well done beef would be better
Well done during my pregnancy
better to take well done...
Well done beef is better..
Well done is fine
well done