What should I feed my 9 month old baby?
Pls share some recipes/ideas on what to feed 9mth old baby for 3meals a day ? Any snacks or finger food to be given as well?

What’s on your list now?:) Fish porridge. Minced meat porridge Sweet potatoes soup. fish / chicken with Soft potatoes porridge Abc soup. Fish/carrot/corn soup. Tofu and vegetables soup. Corn soup Mixed vegetables soup Pumpkin Soup. Chicken & Avocado soup. Baby pasta ( tomatoes / cheese flavour - can cook in soup type ) Baby noodles ( can cook in soup type ) Macaroni soup with fish/carrot/broccoli etc You can add ikan bilis powder into soup. You can give snacks as Apple, pear, papaya, black blackberries, blueberries, cheese (if no allergy) , baby biscuits, white mantou (no fillings) , yoghurts , small pieces of bread , banana , avocado with cheese etc Hope it helps!
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Mama of 16yr old boy and 4year old girl