Petite and pregnant challenges =(

Petite pregnant mummies, how do you overcome the challenges of pregnancy due to being small? I have a narrow (like 62cm narrow) and long ribcage (thus a very small torso) and only at 20 weeks, I'm already looking very pregnant. Not only that, but I feel like my ribcage is constantly stabbing into my organs, causing regular pain. I constantly feel ribcage pain, esp on my right rib, sometimes I even suspect that it may actually be my baby pushing its leg strongly on my rib because it has no space. I feel like I constantly have to sit straight and cannot hunch and its making my back very tired. Even when I'm sitting extremely straight, it still feels like my organs are being stabbed into. 😭 how am I going to survive another 20 weeks of this? Help. #advicepls #pleasehelp #firsttimemom #firstbaby #FTM #petite #pain

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My ob gyn says I'm very petite too and needless to say third tri now is very tough on me. Since 2nd tri I had painful stabs to the ribs that are tears inducing and very bad pelvic pain. I have limited mobility now and haven't gone out of the house much for the past 2 months. Some days are so bad that I can't stand, walk, nor sit. My ob gyn says it's good that I opted C sec as I wouldn't have the strength to push + baby still in breech. Voice out to your ob gyn on the symptoms and discuss pain management. If you're still working, your ob gyn will need to assess if you should be issued hosp leave and bed rest. It does seem like the whole pregnancy is not a beautiful journey like what some others have described, but you'll be amazed at the amount of sacrifice you can make and how much your body can go through. You're not alone :)

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