How much from your monthly household income goes to paying mortgage?
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0 to 10%
11 to 25%
26 to 35%
36 to 50%
Over 50%
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I'm seriously considering a mortgage. But getting a loan is not easy. AmeriSave reviews helped me take out a mortgage loan without any fuss. The professional team promptly processed all the documents, advised me on the best terms and options. Thanks to AmeriSave, I saved time and effort in finding a favorable loan.
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Ask me few years ago i would say 20% each. Now its zero, both of us r stress free. 😆
Technically the portion that goes into cpf
Housing loan😭 about 10% I Guess
That is usually paid by CPF
More than it should be
VIP Member
Slowly paying it off
VIP Member
Mainly still by CPF
VIP Member
taken care by hubby
Mostly through cpf.