4 Replies

I feel own parents and in-laws are the best person to take care of your no.1 when you are in hospital for delivery and hospital stay, as they are the second closest people to your no.1. There is no such thing as to afraid to trouble them to help to take care of your little one while you are away. You have to learn to let go too. Unless there are some conflicts between you and them and in this case husband/close friend/close relative is your another alternative for your no.1's care taker while you are away. Whichever arrangement you have chosen, you should let your no.1 to be familiarize with the person. This includes let the person to handle no.1 for short hours and gradually extend the hours. So that your no.1 will not be in shocked and more settle with the new care taker while you are away.

sorry for the late reply parents..thanks alot for ur feedback! well,i would say my relationship with in law aint v good. and my own parents are old..physically cant handle my boy as my boy is extremely active and need to watch him the whole time.. feeding wise he's a super slow eater and only my hub n i has the patience..and he's not v comfy with strangers since both my parents n in laws seldom see him.. might resort to going to deliver by myself for the sake for my #1...

I would rather get parents or in laws to take care of the kid rather than outsiders.. the child will be more comfortable to be with someone closer than a stranger. And obviously I know the grandparents will dotes on their grandchild and no harm will come to them

Left my kids with my sister in law, birthing is a very involved process 3 of the times, cannot be distracted with kids. Have gone through it 4 times to share this advice.