Wife constantly wants to divorce me

For the other dads out there, do you guys face your wife constantly asking to divorce, especially in the 3rd trimester? It feels hard knowing that you try your best to give it your all only for her to say things like “its not enough”, “why am I not your priority?”, “you are not the same person I knew”. I know that they are going through some hormonal changes but it still hurts when your wife says things like these. Its not like anything major happened (to me at least). How do you guys cope with this feeling? #advicepls #pleasehelp #firstbaby #dad

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You’ve probably seen a lot of articles where woman mentioned they felt “alone” through out pregnancy even tho their husband is physically with them. I once felt the same too, especially when my husband prioritised his mobile games more than me. With the crazy weight gain, going from XS - L it certainly does not help the situation as we constantly feel demoralized and starts thinking all the “what ifs”. “What if my husband leave me for another girl, what if he don’t love me as much because I’m so big sized now, what if when baby is out and I have to do everything myself.” Most of the time we when we feel that everything is just so wrong or when we start to feel depressed (especially comparing our lives to other preggos), we just say things that we don’t mean to. I personally wanted to divorce my husband all the time too. What I can suggest is bring her out for dates, let her feel those dating days again and assure her that nothing is gonna change just because you’re having a baby. Find something that you both love to do before pregnancy, keep her occupied. If you don’t mind the tiredness, watch those fb videos on “other’s husband” to see if it helps. (This is also a reason why woman overthink cause they watch too many fb unrealistic husband videos lol.) I’m certain your wife still loves you a lot. Your mental health is equally important so while having to take care of your wife’s wellbeing, don’t forget about yours too. Take a breather, take a break if you need to.

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12mo ago

Stay strong! If she mentions divorce again, try hugging her and ask her, “then who’s gonna take care of you and baby?”. Then tell her you’ll stay to go through the thick and thin with her. Ask her to tell you anything if she feels discomfort or needs any help.