Afraid of blood tests. Any advices?
Only 7 weeks pregnant but I know there is a few blood tests to take during pregnancy. Never had a blood test before and I know I have bad/deep and small veins. Anyone have tips to overcome my phobia?

Don’t worry you’re not alone! Hahaha. I still have fears drawing blood. And I have very Low tolerance for pain. The thought and feeling of the needle poking through my skin.. OMG.. I usually look away and don’t even think about it. I don’t anticipate when the needle is going to poke into my vein. I don’t bother looking at the nurse wiping down the area with alcohol swab either. It’s like as if I treat it like I’m taking blood pressure where you have to give your arm for a few seconds and then it’s done. Keep telling myself just get it over and done with cause there’ll be more blood tests in the coming months of pregnancy and in future as well. For the sake of my baby, oh why not just a little red ant bite. Giving birth is worse. Epidural? Ah you don’t say. Recovery period also hurts, whether natural or c-sect. Maybe try looking at your phone, reply a message with your other hand, do whatever to distract yourself and just don’t focus on the other hand. It’ll be over before you know it. Good luck!
Read moreI used to be really afraid of blood tests too until I had to do one every month for hyperthyroidism (before pregnancy). I know the thought of a blood test can make you nervous but hang in there! Before a blood test I always took slow deep breaths, told myself that it’ll be over in a few seconds and after the blood test I’m gonna treat myself to a really nice brunch or go shopping and get something I like and that thought really motivates me! Hope it helps you too :)
Read moreI'm sure you've had vaccine injection when you're a child right? Blood tests generally hurt less than an injection (at least for me). If you're afraid, don't look at the needle and if you cough while the needle is injected you won't feel a thing 😊. Don't worry!
Distract yourself.. look somewhr else.. sing to urself hahahah.. dun worry its like the least pain of all pains in your pregnancy ok!
Tell the nurse to count till 3 then take a deep breath when the nurse insert the needle. Do not look 😊
Excited 1st time mom-to-be!