5 Balas

Saya dr awal preg mmg ada discharge sbb candida. Asik dpt ubat insert tu je. Now alhamdulillah dah masuk 32w.. Tp stil tak hilang lg masalah candida tu. Dpt lg ubat tu 😥.. Taktau la mcmana nak hilangkan candida tu sbb mcm dah tak lut je dgn ubat tu..

if the Dr give u that, just use it then. coz its under Dr prscription. 1st time i use candid v1 during 8w. nurse told me it could cause miscarge but i use it coz Dr told me so. now im 26w.

ye ke..ok,tq 😊

I am sure the doc has enough knowledge about what, when and why to use particular medicine. So, just use it.. 👌

its better for u to ask the doctor advice 1st

the doctor the one gave e this candid v1..but when i read the description in the box stated tht "have been used safely in patients in their 2nd and 3rd trimester preggnancy,but not been evaluated in patients during their 1st trimester".

VIP Member

Hi mommy. Rsnya blh je. Doctor lebih tahu.

tu la,risau la jgk..tq yer

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