Is it ok to let my 18 month old watch 2-3 minute cartoons a few times a week? Or is no digital viewing advised till they're 2?

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It's personal preference. I'm a sahm and I don't let my girl watch tv while I'm around cuz I'm not there to watch with her and talk to her about it. I'll be busy doing housework. So she plays with her toys or whatever is interesting and near me. Pots, pans, clean laundry, dirty laundry, etc. Haha. I talk to her about what I'm doing so she's kinda involved and aware. Sometimes I'll involve her if it's safe and simple enough, plus not too messy, like taking the clothes clips from me and putting it into a container after I take down the laundry. When I'm done or she wants my attention and I could use the break, I start to play with her, chase her around, read, go out, draw, do random stuff. Boredom breeds creativity but also gives her a time-out after being engaged for so long. It's only when my hubby comes home and if he has time to watch, he'll switch to some sports or natgeo/bbc earth. Her fave channels are those with animals. "Watch animal?? Watch animal??" She will ask excitedly. If we're out at a public space like a coffee shop, I make it a point to face her away from the tv so that it doesn't distract her from eating (esp since we practice blw) and interactions with us. But if we were at someone's house, like in-laws, that's when I close one eye cuz it's not nice to impose. Anyway it's just a weekly affair and I notice it doesn't hold her attention for more than a minute. She's more interested in playing with the people she only sees once a week.

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8y ago

Btw when she does watch her animal shows, we limit to around 15-30 mins, depending if we ourselves are interested in watching. Haha. Sometimes she will gladly read a book or do some other activity when I ask her.