Gripe water
Is it OK to give gripe water for newborn less than a month old? My newborn is always having hiccups especially after feeding.

Hiccups is normal and will go away on its own. I gave my girl gripe water to ease constipation when she was an infant as she's on formula. Also helps to reduce wind and pass gas (personally don't think works for colic as much as ridwind)
There’s no need to medicate your LO due to hiccups. My son has hiccups too! It will go away on its own 😊 And I was told by my PD to avoid gripe water, he prescribed me ‘rid wind’ if my son has colic/wind!
Hiccups r quite common in newborns.. n no need to give gripe water as now a days it’s not recommended it
best not to give anything except milk especially to newborn. hiccups are normal and it doesnt bother them :)
Hiccups is the way they train their lungs. Leave it. They dun feel anything one
Better not