Bubble tea during pregnancy?
Is it ok to drink bubble tea few times a week? Cos i know it's tea so contain caffeine, and also high sugar levels.. my fav is oolong milk tea with 50% sugar

please dont drink tea or coffee, and not too much sugar. for these few mths preg i didnt touch coffee or tea. i only had koi ice honey or honey lemon with minimal sugar or liho avacado milk without sugar, playmade honey lemon half or less sugar. if you keep taking sugar you must bear in mind at 20plus 28 weeks u need take gestation diabetes test. if u have gd or at risk you gonna need to take insulin jabs or oral insulin, not saying you cant take 50 percent sugar or milk tea but once a week. your weight gain is a consideration and will be monitored by gynae too. for the sake of your bb and your health, try cut down on sugary stuff and have a good healthy diet. you want the best for your bb ya? 😄 the abovementioned drinks can be an alternative but taken in moderation
Read moreBubble tea is my favorite but I’ve been abstaining from it since the beginning of pregnancy. Even artificial sweeteners e.g. stevia or Coke Zero. Generally like what others have said, taking less than 200mg of caffeine has not been proven to cause any significant harm to foetus - but depends on your personality and how risk averse you are. I’m super risk averse so I chose not to take any chances at all. Eventually a personal decision more than anything - do everything you think that you’re relatively certain is in the best interests of your baby, and avoid anything that you’re unsure about, that’s my mantra.
Read moreCaffeine is not the issue here because pregnant women can safely consume 200mg of caffeine a day! Which roughly translates to 1 to 2 cups of coffee or 2 to 4 cups of tea, depending on the amount of caffeine in them. I agree with the other mums here that the main concern will be the amount of sugar. But then again there are some mums who drink coke throughout their whole pregnancy and managed to have a healthy baby! My mum was one of them 😆 But then again, each pregnancy is unique to the body carrying the baby to term so keeping everything in moderation is the key!
Read moreI feel so guilty almost everyday I’m tempted with caffeine and weirdly I have craving for caffeine. Like Frappuccino , bubble tea , chocolate been surviving on them for past 3 months because if I take anything else I’ll puke so I try to stick more towards diluted milo kosong. If bubble tea I’ll ask for less tea and more milk and more ice. I guess once in awhile is fine???
Read moreI still drink my bbt from time to time whenever I feel like it, from ovaltine mt to hazelnut mt etc with 50% sugar! Took my gd test many weeks back and results all good (: im at 32 weeks now and my baby’s on the smaller side but still within normal/healthy range. So all I gotta say is moderation is key!
Read moreI drink it almost everyweek and I'm almost due 😂 baby is fine and all weight pretty normal and no gd Just try to control
I also drink a few times a week and my bb came out healthy. As long u drink moderate, it’s not an issue!
can drink 1 time a week, dont drink more than that...problem is not the caffein but the sugar
Yes it’s ok… I drink almost 4-5 times a week LOL but I’m drinking 0% sugar
🤫i nearly everyday one cup of bubble tea lol... 25% or lesser