Hoping to be induce

Any NUH subsidised patient tried asking if can be induce ? Did doc allow? Just feels so achy everywhr and I am small size, don’t really want to have a big baby to push out. I am 40 weeks soon.

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My first was induce at 41 weeks. If you think you can't and you want to be induce, you can try to ask at 39 weeks. But, just a gentle note of advice that induce can be much more painful, long in labour, dilation will take long too. If everything don't go well, you may take other medical help and probably c section (last option) Not that I am making you scared. But, this is based on my own experience at NUH in 2018. I am petite standing at 153cm, slim and my first born was more than 3kg. They did membrane sweep at 40 weeks and provide me letter for induce if within 1 week nothing happened. At that point of time I was also 3 cm dilated with my waterbag full. I only give birth next day after the induce took place.

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Best to ask the doc for advice about this. And also currently how big is ur baby.. It wil determine if ur pushing a big baby or not. And also the positioning of the baby.