Not a question, just want to rant about Braxton Hicks and Pelvic Pains.
I'm 37 + 2. Braxton Hicks intensity has been increasing lately, which is expected. It is not particularly painful, but definitely very, very uncomfortable that it wakes me up from sleep when the cramps come on.
And the pelvic pains, oh my! I barely have had any decent sleep since the past few weeks.
Dear husband tries to make me feel better by telling me to be patient and be strong, as it is part of pregnancy and the body's preparation towards impending labour (of course, I already know that! 😁). But in all honesty, I think he's feeling pretty much as helpless as I am.
Hang in there, mummies who are going through the same things! I know for sure, we'll miss the kicks and all the associated pains when the baby is out. Or maybe not! 😅