694 responses

of course parent are worried ! with gst increase. canteen food price .. pocket money .. school fee .. kindergarten, primary school , secondary sch , ite , uni .. single parent, CDA support 3k only extra top up total 3.2k only no baby bonus cash for single parents . unemplyed atm due to COVID vaccines .. what are youthinkingggg singapore 😐🥹 im only 21 and im thinking far ald . what if I really cannot provide cannot afford . who is going to support ? gov ? whole sg ? give up for adoption? with the other partner raising twins and 4 other kids with some other chicks child past trauma still got me , and now I'm stuck neither moving forward not backward . but I know I have to do somethingggggg😌
Read moreBut I try not to think too much about it until I cross the bridge...as of current state I think we are going to be ok
Depends on your expectations if you want to do tuition, extra curricular activities, private school etc
Definitely, CDA and Subsidies are insufficient. Out of Job and Expecting second one now.
I am worried because of this pandemic.I can't go back to work or find a new work easily.
Had planned for their education but not sure whether it is enough or not
I think there’s a worry there but we can plan for it:)
if we want to send them to good school.. seems fine now
Inflation and cost of education can be quite high.
No I'm not worried. I got everything covered