4 Replies

I have the same symptoms as you, except for GDM. for the sharp pain, you may want to consider checking with your gynae for a peace of mind :) that's what I did when I entered 2nd trimester months ago. back then, I had mild cramps and sudden sharp pains. I went to urgent O&G to get it checked 👉 baby was alright, but the V swap result revealed that there was mild infection down there (even though there was no blood or pain in my urine). They gave me med for it and the doc explained the cramps and pains were part of uterus stretching since back then, it was only 2nd trimester.

why are you worried? it’s normal to have pains due to the weight. baby will have their sleeping patterns too. when you move less, they move more.

Totally normal. I had all the above mentioned symptoms. Except gdm that is.

It is normal. don't worry. 💟

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