bersalin 36w

hi nk tanya, ada sesiapa yg bersalin pada 36w kena cucuk dexa jugak tak? sebelum ni cucuk dexa 34w, bersalin 35w. kali ni takut terberanak awal lg 🤣 lepas tu sesiapa yg ada gbs positive mmg akan ada contraction awal ke? 😬#ingintahu #bantusharing #pleasehelp

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I pernah kena cucuk dexa time I 36 weeks pregnant, tapi still not sign for soon delivery. I bersalin with induction at my 41 weeks. It is very rare to have early labor with gbs positive tapi ibu better dapatkan nasihat drpd doctor pakar OG sbb doctor lebih experience and arif dlm hal ni and bukan semua ibu mempunyai same pregnancy experience.

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