Pregnancy test
Newly wedd here (a month ago) 😆 just a question from experience mums in here .. how many days after i missed my period should i check for pregnancy ? Will i have any symptoms that im pregnant? Been 3days since missed period and i do not want to put hope in checking . 🥲

Hi, if your period has been regular, then probably can test using pregnancy kit one week after the expected menses date. Usually there are some symptoms that appear and is very similar to PMS. So, try to take note of telltale sign of your body being different like feeling sore to boobs/nipples, unexplainable tiredness especially after a good night's rest. Usually if the test kit shows positive (assuming it is taken 1 week after you missed your period), it is still very early in pregnancy (either 4 or 5 weeks), thus need to rest more. Some people may have more obvious signs after 8 weeks.
Read moreHi! I found out I was pregnant 18 days after my wedding 🤣 and one of the earliest signs were extremely sore boobs, fatigue (I was literally falling asleep every where) and unusual urination (more than your usual toilet trips). my period wasn't even due yet but I took the test and it came out positive. no harm in getting it check, remember to keep your mind open that it may be a negative nevertheless. all the best dear!
Read moreBefore I found out I was pregnant before a missed period. I experienced a significant change in my body and that is sore boobs -it is a different soreness compared to the PMS ones. So I checked using clearblue and saw a faint line :) waited for my period late then checked again Tadaaa the faint line became darker
Read moreI tested 1 day after my menses was due. And it was positive. couldn’t believe it and tested again the following day with a different brand. Had symptoms like sore boobs and cramps for several days prior to using the test kit. Was thinking “cramp so many days how come menses not here yet?” 🤭
Apart from missing your period date look for below symptoms (they may or may not be present as every pregnancy is different): 1. Change in breast size. 2. Sore boobs. 3. Fatigue. Best way to know for sure is to take pregnancy test. Hope you get your preferred result 🤞🏼
Read moreThats true.. PMS and pregnancy symptoms can be confusing 😁😁
Every pregnancy different... if you have regular periods 2 days before your missed period a faint line will appear on ur pregnancy test. No need to buy expensive pregnancy test just buy from watson brand. Good luck
Hello! You may check a week after missing your period. I’ve got sore boobs & I was actually more gassy than usual (burping). My mom suspected that I was expecting & told me to get clearblue. It was positive 😊
my symptoms didnt show till i was 8-9 weeks. i checked on the day i was suppose to have my mens 😅🤣 some ppl doesnt have any symptoms throughout so i guess u should just check it 🤭
7 days after missing your period. If you want to get accuracy, use clear blue digital test kit. It will show you how far ahead are you. Meanwhile, pls take care and rest well.
Hello! Half a month after wedding i was tested positive even when my period was not due as i was having very bad cramps when my period is only due about 10-15days later