Sleep regression?

My newborn is 1month 8days. This week, I found that it is very hard to get her to sleep even during day time. She seems to be sleeping when carrying in arms, but wakes up once she’s in bed. Is this sleep regression? Any advice on what can be done to help? First time mom here. 🥲

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Sometimes its something called contact naps. it gets so exhausting just hugging her as she sleeps through short naps but apparently it lasts for awhile and some parents start to miss it altogether when they grow up. My daughter wants contact naps only in the mornings and afternoons but sleeps fine at night without touch, just has to be close enough to my body. most parents also shared about being careful when placing baby down and how long after is safe when they go into deeper sleep. i tried the 5 mins walking shushing patting method then 8 mins sitting snd holding. place baby leg butt body then head and continue soft patting until baby is calm reducing the intensity and sounds. if baby is breastfed remember to feed last before putting baby down because milk digests really fast and they wake up faster from short naps. but then my preference is to keep baby awake for longer stretchers when sun is up so i feed first then diaper change and play alil before naps. meanwhile its diaper and milk and down for a nap after sundown. im currently facing sleep regression or progression. thats when baby sleep cycle changes disturbing their sleep patterns but thats mostly a night time sleep issue. do check out with ur gynae what can be done okay. also yes watch out for colic and burp well.

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