Help mummy
Need a little help of any mummies share the same experience as me. Not having menses for about 1 year and how do u check if u are pregnant or not.

Yup, definitely pregnancy kit boleh detect but susah sikit cos dah a yr u tak dtg menses. Kena keep checking. U buy the cheap kits kat shopee dulu. Buy lebih sikit so tak wasted beli clearblue. Once u see faint line then u pakai clearblue to confirm pregnant or not. That's what I did when I was TTC.
Read moreHad you seen a doctor for your irregular menses? I had the same issue and was trying 4 years before seeing a fertility doctor, and I had PCOS. Wasted a lot of time and money on ovulation and pregnancy kits when it was pretty impossible to have gotten pregnant naturally.
I've not seen any doc yet, maybe due to BF so I guess mine menses stop for months, and I'm trying to conceive again.