comfort feeding
need help. baby comfort feeds to sleep sometimes. I'm afraid it becomes a habit and difficult to wean that off. also scared it will be difficult for IFC teachers. (I try not to use pacifier)

I wish I could comfort feed my baby now. my baby used to take the breast and allow me to comfort feed. i used to think what would happen if baby relies too much on comfort feeding and refuses to sleep when not offered. Now at 6 months, he screams and cries when offered the breast. I am so very upset that my breastfeeding journey has ended. perhaps I should have just let him comfort feed all that he wants.
Read moreTry to keep your baby awake after feeding so that he/she doesn't build a sleep association with feeding. That said, it's quite normal for babies to doze off after feeding coz it's very comforting for them. The teachers will know what to do one la haha, they probably see all kinds of pattern given that they handle babies everyday.
Read moreHow old is your baby? Cause mine didn’t really need comfort feeding after a few months. There may be time that you wish your baby wants to drink more 🤣