My three months baby is fully breastfeeding. but sometimes I do give her formula milk because I can feel my breast milk is not enough. I try to make her drink formula milk either she drink little or dont want. I try to change to bottle teats also the same. She rejects again. I am going to send her to infant care. Im afraid that she wont drink the bottle or formula milk. She is too attached to my breasts. Any mummies experience the same. Any advice mummies?

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Yes I face the same problem as you before and so I stop my breastfeeding at 14months my girl was so fussy that she did not accept solid food and formula when when she was 12months and was only fully bm . On her 13months thanks god finally she accept to take porridge but still not formula but I tried every night keep trying and trying still the same . when she is 14 month I decided to stop so I did not let her latch n let her feel hungry for about 1 hrs plus later she start to feel hungry and slowly feed her formula with pigeon wide bottle she start to accept it but from that day onward I did not latch or give her bm anymore don't want her to feel confuse . if you wan her to take formula you got to stop give her bm already .

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