My friend just told me that her 7 month old said 'mama'. My baby is almost a year old and hasn't even tried to say it. :( At what age do babies usually start speaking?

In general, language skills start developing between the ages of one and two. Any form of communications, such as babbling, pointing to an object, responding to your comments, indicates that he/she is beginning to understand what is said to him/her (even though he/she is not using actual words to communicate with you). Every baby develops differently so there is no need for you to be worried as long as your baby is showing signs of comprehension. This article provides some useful tips to encourage your baby to start talking: Some simple suggestions from the article include: - Using your authentic voice and speaking in first person. The more they hear language spoken properly, the sooner they will learn and try speaking it. - Slow down so that your baby can listen and understand. Don't be too worried, once your blabbering baby starts picking up new words, you will soon have a chatty baby! :)
Read moreMy son started blabberinf at about 6 months and I'm pretty sure he has said "Mama" countlessly.. although I feel it was more of "Mamamamamamamama" rather than calling me "Mama" lol As Hui Qun has mentioned, babies develop differently so fret not. My daughter only shown signs of blabbering when she was about 8, almost 9 months old instead.
Read moreDifferent baby develops at different pace. My daugther speaks first word at 1 year old while my son speaks first word at 8 months old and in sentences at 1 year old. If your child has not started to speak at 3 years old, then you have to seek speech therapist's help.
From 7 months babies they start mumbling that is like “gaga”, “ahah”,mama” , “papa” …just tat we know the meaning of papa and mama they don’t understand it..Their real understanding and uttering words starts later ….
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You don’t worry,my big son can speak 1.5 years old.At now he call me all time all day (mommy mommy ~ I want…. , Help me about…😅🤣)
my baby is now 7months and she started say "Mama".
babies develop differently