My five-month-old baby hardly sleeps during the night? What should I do?

'Sleep is not logical, it's biological'. This is what I tell my families when they call me crazy for all the sleep-related advice that seems so backwards; tanking baby up won't help them sleep longer, early bedtimes = later wake-ups, and more daysleep leads to more nightsleep. That last one there couldn't be more true. The more baby sleeps during the day (as long as it's not in excess), the more baby will sleep at night. A well-rested child accepts sleep more readily, sleeps better, and sleeps longer than an overtired child. This means that in order to see A+ nightsleep, we need to see A+ daysleep - naps aren't optional, your child needs them. Making sure that your baby isn't kept awake too long in between naps (see here for how long is too long), making sure that baby has an appropriate number of naps and an age-appropriate bedtime (read here to find out if your baby's bedtime is too late). Keeping baby up in hopes that they will sleep longer at night may work for one night, but sleep debt is accumulative. Following that night up with another day of crappy naps and another too-late bedtime will almost certainly backfire. Making sure you respect your child's need for sleep will pay off in a big way.
Read moreIt might be that your child mixes up day and night. Do allow some light in the room in the daytime so that the baby can differentiate between night and day. At 4 mths old, it will be good to have a routine where she knows when is time to drink and sleep. They might have growth spurt in certain months and it is normal. See and hope this info helps you. :)
Read moreFor the first few months after the baby's birth, their sleeping patterns can be really unpredictable. It's okay if your baby does not sleep during the night as long as he/she makes up for it during the day. However, it would be a good idea to slowly start inculcating a napping schedule for your baby (which I am sure you must be doing by now). Your baby will then gradually get used to the schedule.
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