39 Weeks and no sign of labour

Hi mummy, on and off will feel baby head pressing on my bladder after awhile it will be gone especially during the night and midnight. (Feeling like baby sliding out) Is it a sign or labour coming? I'm anxious as I don't want to get induced. As next week is my EDD..

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Should you feel the urge of urinating, baby's head engaged through birth canal. Sign of labour would be mild contractions, waterbag leaking, mucus plug. If this is first child it might be long. But if it is second child it might be faster. Based on my own experience, both child exceeded delivery due date. #1 3cm dilate, induce, last option epidural, vacuum assisted delivery. 41 weeks, 1 day. #2 supposed induced (but didnt happened), mild contractions for more than 12 hrs, 3 cm dilated, last option epidural, normal vaginal birth. 40 weeks 2 days.

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Hihi! All the best! Pls walk around ALOT, eat dates and all. Not trying to scare you, I just had my induction. It was TERRIBLE. Im traumatised.