39 Weeks and no sign of labour
Hi mummy, on and off will feel baby head pressing on my bladder after awhile it will be gone especially during the night and midnight. (Feeling like baby sliding out) Is it a sign or labour coming? I'm anxious as I don't want to get induced. As next week is my EDD..

At 39 weeks of pregnancy, feeling pressure on your bladder from the baby's head can be a common sensation as your baby moves lower into the pelvis in preparation for birth. This feeling can sometimes give the sensation of the baby sliding out, but it is not necessarily a definitive sign that labor is imminent. However, it can be a sign that your body is preparing for labor. As your due date (EDD) approaches, it's natural to feel anxious about the onset of labor, especially if you prefer to avoid induction. It's good to stay in touch with your healthcare provider and discuss any concerns you may have regarding your pregnancy and the possibility of induction. Some natural methods to help encourage labor to start on its own include staying active, doing prenatal exercises like walking or prenatal yoga, staying well-hydrated, and ensuring you are getting adequate rest. It's also important to remain calm and relaxed as much as possible, as stress and anxiety can sometimes inhibit the onset of labor. If you start experiencing regular contractions, leaking of amniotic fluid, or any other significant changes in your symptoms, it's important to contact your healthcare provider immediately. Remember to trust your body and the process of childbirth, and try to stay positive as you approach your due date. If you have any further concerns or questions, do not hesitate to reach out to your healthcare provider for reassurance and guidance. Good luck with the remainder of your pregnancy journey, and best wishes for a smooth and safe delivery when the time comes! https://invl.io/cll6she
Read moreShould you feel the urge of urinating, baby's head engaged through birth canal. Sign of labour would be mild contractions, waterbag leaking, mucus plug. If this is first child it might be long. But if it is second child it might be faster. Based on my own experience, both child exceeded delivery due date. #1 3cm dilate, induce, last option epidural, vacuum assisted delivery. 41 weeks, 1 day. #2 supposed induced (but didnt happened), mild contractions for more than 12 hrs, 3 cm dilated, last option epidural, normal vaginal birth. 40 weeks 2 days.
Read moreHihi! All the best! Pls walk around ALOT, eat dates and all. Not trying to scare you, I just had my induction. It was TERRIBLE. Im traumatised.