7 Replies

Super Mum

I have 2 kids and both of them had extremely different timelines for their milestones. In the end, each child hits the milestones when they’re ready:) there’s really no need to worry. My first daughter whom I thought had speech delays, caught up later on and now talks soooo much 😂. She, too, had other “delays” compared to others. Then, once I stopped comparing her to other kids or worrying, she starting hitting all the milestones. Haha. Whatever you’ve described, I think it’s still okay for her age. Give her a bit more time, and enjoy her at the current stage a little longer. :) As for the green vegetables, it’s difficult for babies, especially without teeth, to eat them. When my kids had no teeth, spinach and potato puree worked very well:) but you can experiment with different cooking styles to see how to encourage her to eat. Don’t worry so much okay? In time to come, you’ll look back and smile at these memories.

Completely normal to feel stressed:) but really. Each baby is different. Enjoy your little one’s progress at her own pace:)

Don't worry, I went thru the same when my daughter was as young. She started picking up and fast after she turned 13 months. She just suddenly learnt how to drink from sippy cup and now 20mths she can already drink from cup without assistance. Like other mummies said, every babies are different when meeting the milestone :)

VIP Member

Don’t worry. Some babies are slowly than others. They will pick up after their first birthday. If you’re still concern, can bring it up to doctor when you go for the vaccine.

thks for yr advice, im trying hard to train my bb to drink from cup, buying diff types diff brand also didnt help 😭

Hi Mum, Please don't worry about it. One of my friends had the same concern with her daughter but with time it gets better as the growth pace of every baby is different.

Children have their own phase of doing things and growing up. Pls do not rush your baby and worry. Every child is different. Some are slow, some are fast.

Oh no, my baby is currently 10mo and is EXACTLY like your lo. I’m worried too😭 but i guess we just have to lower our expectations.

Hi... Would like to know hows your baby now? Does she clap wave and point already? How did you teach? Hope you can share tips😊

Thats good to know.. Hope my baby will learn to clap too... Been assisting her to do... As for your baby's teeth... Give it a while... Mine one also from zero to all 4 in onetime... All the best ya

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