baby 1st start food
hi mummy, if i were to give solid food to baby, what is the best time to intro.. is it after milk time or juz give the solid food consider it as a meal? how much to give for the very 1st day?

I gave during lunch as a meal. Giving during evening is risky for my as my baby has milk addiction. Different baby different intake, I make 5 scoop of cereal with milk or half a bowl of plain porridge and look out for baby cue if baby is full etc. Inital stage will be tiring cos your baby might not be full and start crying 1 hour later for milk. Sometimes they are very full that they drag 1 hour for milk. Have to see your baby some mummy gave 2 teaspoon some gave more than what i did it's depend on your baby appetite. To me I want baby full so I always cook extra
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