6 months cup
Mummy how to teach baby 6months to drink? What kind of cup should i buy?

Check with peads or SLT but generally a simple open cup with handles helps. Doesn't impact speech in the long run. From SolidStarts https://solidstarts.com/cup-drinking/ 'Like most feeding therapists and swallowing specialists, we strongly recommend using open cups and straw cups rather than sippy or 360 cups. Why? Because drinking from an open cup or a straw are lifelong skills—your baby will use both of these skills later on. To the contrary, sippy cups and 360 cups are only for babies/toddlers, so your baby will learn a skill that will be discarded after a few months. And despite advertising claims, both sippy cups and 360 cups encourage a way of drinking that is not ideal for your baby’s oral-motor skills development.' But this is not SG based so again check with our doctors if practices are in line. Cheers
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Easier for baby to suck the water up
Richell straw training cup!
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