Hi mummy, have anyone out there did not have any confinement before ? And only just cater for confinement food, then at the same time have to take care of kids

I will say post natal massage is more important than confinement foods. You just need to avoid foods that are not and can't be consume during confinement. You can also Google for simple recipes like soups. I only ate a few days of confinement foods as I'm living on my own but my mum will cook for me a few days then the rest my husband will cook for me while I focus on baby. He will also help to look after our other kids. To me the massage is more important. Need to get rid of all the pain, aches and wind. Depends on individuals lah
Read moreI did not have confinement, i looked after my baby by myself but with my husband's help too and he cook confinement food for me, herbal bath for me too.
Just ordered confinement food. Good enough for me, took care of baby myself, and did chores myself. Just needed to rest whenever I had time.
Hi, Should be fine if you have proper help and support at home so that you don't feel burned out
did it for #1. OK lah survived but was feeling depressed for a long time.
I had it